Thursday, August 6, 2009

You Know You're A Mommy When.....

Despite the fact that I never leave home without both sippy cups full of some kind of liquid and a snack cup full of Goldfish crackers or two (or more) packs of fruit snacks.....
that I've cleaned up multiple piles of cheerios and raw oatmeal off the floor (because the kids wanted a snack)....

that I just spent the last 45 minutes talking with a friend about car seats....

and that I consider myself lucky if I get a shower once/day....

You know you're a mommy when you get the store, rummage through every pocket of your bag only to find that you have no pen (to mark things off your list) BUT....

you have crayons.



tammi said...

Haha! Yup, that sounds about right!!!

Dion said...

Crayons! Yes, that's me.

Trisha said...

I've actually never had crayons in my purse. But I can never find a pen in there when I need it either!

Sab Mad said...


You know you're a mommy when you use your shirt to wipe your kids face before you walk into the store.

You should start a 'you know you're a mommy' series with pictures! Then you could make a button!!!!

Allison said...

I've had all the others except for the crayons! I'm sure my day will come too. Funny!

Cindi said...

that's luck I would have a color wonder marker that writes, of course, only on color wonder paper, lol.

Mama to little lions said...

I've even debated writing a check in crayon when I didn't have anything else available.

I agree- start a series with pictures :-)

Joy said...

Hee Hee! I'm like Cindi- I would have the color wonders too!

Jason and Aubrie Spangler said...

I love it! I use to find crayon paper peelings in jacket pockets and pants pockets all the time when I taught Kindergarten. So cute!

Christie O. said...

LOL! Indeed!! you have ALL the markings of a mommy!! HAHAHA

Sara said...

So true!

louann said...

LOL!! That is sooo right and soo cute!!

The Coiners said...

Classic Mom...I am excited for the day when I find crayons in odd places!

bevy said...

Sounds about right.