Monday, July 14, 2008

Menu Plan Monday-July 14

Wow, I can't even remember the last time I participated in a Menu Plan Monday. Things have been so crazy around here that planning one meal let alone a full week's worth was the last chore on my mind. However, with me staying at home now, there is no extra money to support our terrible habit of eating out. Therefore, I hope to stay on top of these MPMs each week to help us stay within our new family budget.
Monday-Turkey Meatloaf, green beans, mashed potatoes
Friday-1st Year Resident Get-Together: Lasagna, garlic bread, salad
Saturday-Sloppy Joes
You may say, "wow, that's a lot of leftovers". Well, until I get the hang of this "stay at home mom" thing, I'm choosing meals that make more than 2 servings so that I'm not having to cook every night.
For more menu inspiration, visit Organizing Junkie.

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