This week was a bit of a struggle....about mid-week I hit the proverbial "wall", which translated into NO motivation to work out (or even eat well). After being away from running since Christmas (to give my knee injury time to heal), I really wanted to get back onto the treadmill. But I found it so discouraging when I could barely complete 3 miles at a snail's pace. What!? I went from running 5 miles at 10-11mm pace to that of a snail? Hellooooo, "wall"!
However, on a more positive note, I was able to reach my goal of drinking 80 oz. of water EACH day, which I really think helped me in losing 1 more pound this week! I was totally shocked when I saw that I'm now only 3 pounds away from reaching another decade of numbers. Woohoo! Additionally, I may not be losing pounds at lightening speed, but I'm definitely noticing a difference in my "shape". I no longer have the cul-de-sac of fluff where my arm meets my back, and the elbow fluff hangover is slowly, but surely, is disappearing. I'm also able to use the next notch in my belt, which I wear with my loosely fitting pre-preggo pants. YAY!
My goals for this next week, assuming that I can push through the "wall" and get over the sickness that my dear doctor husband brought home from the pediatric clinics, are to continue with drinking at least 80 oz. of water/day and to get back to my evening treadmill workouts at the gym, averaging 3 miles each night. There is a 5K run on February 15, here in town, that I hope to participate in, and I really hope to cross the finish line in less than 32:00.
Fall and Winter 2019/2020
5 years ago
"Cul-de-sac of fluff" ~ I love that! Made me laugh. Sadly, I know whereof you speak!!! It's been a little while since I've been able to go a notch tighter on my belt.
Your progress is awesome, even if it's not going as fast as you'd like!
Don't be so hard on yourself, you need time to build up to the pace you were at before! Have you tried maybe using an elliptical or something that is easier on your knee?
I am super-down after this week, but I'll push through it if you do. Deal? ;o)
Great job on the loss! You'll get your running milage back! You can do it!
You are doing great. A pound and feeling your body change is fabulous. Keep up the great job. You will be running back at what you were in not time!
I think you are doing great! Motivation... I have an old photo of my really skinny and happy that I look at all the time.
i set a goal and give my self a reward. My reward? A pedicure. It's simple and it's all for me!
You can do it!
Losing one pound is great!
Take care of your knee. You have to build up to your old pace. Don't want to rush it, you might get injured.
Lissa had great advice. An elliptical is very gentle on the knees. My favorite machine. I miss mine since it broke a few years ago.
cul-de-sac of fluff made me laugh out loud! what a way to write it! hahahahahaha!
congrats on the pound sister, almost there to the new decade! and i know just what you mean about that wall. oh boy do i.
congrats on the loss- you've been inspiring! Seriously, I was thinking of you when I got on the treadmill and did 2 miles at a 14 min pace and thought I made progress. :o)
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